Decryption and analysis of news and strategies of ICT, telecoms and digital players in Africa.
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Decryption and analysis of strategies put in place by economic and political players.
Strategies of ICT, telecoms and digital players scanned + Proposals
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In digital marketing, digital communication, business intelligence, web and digital solutions …
News (economy, politics, society) that caught my attention + my News
SafetyNet, the bulwark proposed by GVG against cybercrime
[Digital Business Africa] – In a digital environment complexified by the convergence between mobile services and the Internet, States face increasing risks in terms of digital security. Cyberattacks, identity theft, viruses, piracy, fake news… Confronted with a long...
Cameroon, a real reference in Africa with 100% scanning technology for scanning containers
[Digital Business Africa] – After the customs services of Benin, the customs services of Nigeria are also interested in the Cameroon experience in the management and digitization of customs operations. A delegation of about fifteen experts from the Nigerian Customs...