[Digital Business Africa] – In an age of containment and social distancing imposed by the global health crisis caused by Coronavirus 2019, companies are innovating and offering new solutions to satisfy their customers and keep their businesses afloat. At SGS, and...
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Décryptage des stratégies mises en place par les acteurs de l’économie et de la politique.
Trucs et Astuces
En marketing digital, communication digitale, veille stratégique, solutions web et numériques…
Infos (économie, politique, société) ayant attiré mon attention + mon actualité
SafetyNet, the bulwark proposed by GVG against cybercrime
[Digital Business Africa] – In a digital environment complexified by the convergence between mobile services and the Internet, States face increasing risks in terms of digital security. Cyberattacks, identity theft, viruses, piracy, fake news… Confronted with a long...