[Digital Business Africa] – In an age of containment and social distancing imposed by the global health crisis caused by Coronavirus 2019, companies are innovating and offering new solutions to satisfy their customers and keep their businesses afloat. At SGS, and...
Décryptage de l’actualité et des stratégies des décideurs des secteurs de l’Economie et de la politique en Afrique.
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Décryptage des stratégies mises en place par les acteurs de l’économie et de la politique.
Trucs et Astuces
En marketing digital, communication digitale, veille stratégique, solutions web et numériques…
Infos (économie, politique, société) ayant attiré mon attention + mon actualité
Cameroon, a real reference in Africa with 100% scanning technology for scanning containers
[Digital Business Africa] – After the customs services of Benin, the customs services of Nigeria are also interested in the Cameroon experience in the management and digitization of customs operations. A delegation of about fifteen experts from the Nigerian Customs...
Mohamadou Saoudi: “There are moments in the life of human beings or organisations where we are called upon to pause and review our achievements”
[Digiga Business Africa] – Digital Business Africa offers you the full speech of Mohamadou Saoudi, secretary general of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, in Yaounde, on 24 January 2019, on the occasion of the ceremony to present the New Year wishes to...